Issue #1

APRIL, 2024

ERMIS (CybERsecurity Market assurance and Insurance-as-a-Service) is a European Union project under the DIGITAL-ECCC-2022-CYBER-03 work programme, launched in November 2023. ERMIS has 3-years duration and aims at developing of a cyber security assurance and insurance as-a-service, by integrating mechanisms, services, and tools in an innovative marketplace platform.

The ERMIS marketplace aims to support the adoption of innovative cybersecurity solutions by providing end-to-end support for cyber risk assessment, security certification, and cyber insurance processes. It aims to strengthen cybersecurity capabilities for EU SMEs and public organizations, while also empowering the cyber insurance market to assess the potential of the European digital ecosystem to eliminate the impact of security incidents and improve business continuity strategies.

In particular, the ERMIS marketplace:

▪ Ιntegrates tools for supporting the implementation of cybersecurity protection services, with the aim to collect and analyse operational evidence, using ML algorithms;

▪ Hosts services and tools for providing auditing on cybersecurity resilience of open-source projects and libraries and other software components through risk-aware security certification mechanisms;

▪ Supports security testing service components, including static-analysis code scanning tools, penetration testing tools and vulnerability analysis tools;

▪ Will deliver software components, services, and tools for the monitoring and analysis of security incidents, the investigation of cybersecurity threats and the management of incident response strategies and cyber threat intelligence information;

▪ Will support various stakeholders’ groups and communities by providing cyber ranges and training for experts in the use of mechanisms and tools for improving cybersecurity capabilities and enhancing cyber resilience towards more accurate management of cyber insurance policies.

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